Journal of Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, Prokein, M., Renner, M., Weidner, E., Heinen, T., Low-chromium- and low-sulphate emission leather tanning intensified by compressed carbon dioxide, 2017, Vol. 19, pp. 2455-2465

Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, Renner, M., Weidner, E., Geihsler, H., cleantan – chromium tanning without chromium and water residues, 2013, Vol. 108 (8), pp. 289-294

Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Renner, M., Weidner, E., Geihsler, H., Free of water tanning using CO2 as process additive – an overview on process development -, 2012, Vol. 66, pp. 291-296

Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Renner, M., Weidner, E., Brandin, G., High-pressure carbon dioxide tanning, 2009, Volume 87, Issue 7, pp. 987-996

Chemical Engineering and Transactions, Renner, M., Weidner, E., Brandin, G., Sustainable and environmentally friendly production of leather, 2008, Vol. 13, ISBN 978-88-95608-07-5, pp. 311-318

Chemie Ingenieur Technik, Renner, M., Weidner, E., Prozessintensivierung der Ledergerbung durch verdichtetes Kohlendioxid, 9/2008, Wiley-VCH, pp. 1394-1395